Bloodbikes Australia
Australia now has a group of volunteer motorcyclists, nationwide, with the express purpose of transporting blood and medical supplies to and from where they are required free of charge, thereby freeing up more money for the delivery of healthcare. They are called Bloodbikes Australia.
The Inspiration
Peter Davis was inspired by the Bloodbikes movement in the UK and Ireland, so he started it here in Australia during September 2019. Peter says: ”I had a mate Volunteering for Bloodbikes Scotland and thought, what a great idea, a chance to do what I love, riding motorcycles, and doing some good.”
The beginnings
Peter started the process with Mater Pathology in Brisbane, first transporting blood then with a further nine volunteers in the Brisbane Region transporting all manner of Pathology, medicines and equipment. It is expected that soon the transport of donor breast milk will be added the list. Through word of mouth and with the help of riding buddy Mark Hinchliffe (AKA Motorbike Writer). Within the first 12 months Bloodbikes Australia grew to over 120 volunteers in all states of Australia including the ACT.
Since the commencement of operations in Australia, on the 2nd of September 2019, our more than 300 fully qualified volunteers, from through Australia, have made more than 6000, last resort, pickups and deliveries, for 63 healthcare providers in Cairns, Brisbane, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast, Hervey Bay, NNSW, Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth and Tasmania. These deliveries include, blood, biopsies, COVID tests, stemcells , corneas for transplant, clinical Trial program tests, paperwork and files as well as personal items returned to patients who left them behind upon discharge, medical consumables for in home patients and stem cells. The healthcare providers for whom we volunteer include a number of Government Public hospitals including Cairns, Ipswich, Boonah, Laidley, Esk, Gatton, Gold Coast Hospital, Lismore, Tweed Heads, Coffs Harbour, Hunter Health District, St John of God, Lions Eye Donation Service and Canberra Hospital.
Founder Peter Davis goes on to say “our challenge now is to get more healthcare providers like the Mater, Institute of Glycomics, St Vincents Sydney and the Gold Coast University Hospital to realise we are here, what services we deliver and the dollars that can be saved. We have the volunteers in both city and regional Australia, they just need healthcare providers to volunteer for”
Limits of what we do
Peter emphasises, “Bloodbikes Australia Volunteers are not “wannabe” police or ambulance, we are NOT emergency vehicles and we abide by all road rules.” Every volunteer, volunteers their time, fuel, tolls and motorcycles and all have a Nationally recognised Certificate in Blood Transport.”
The future
The possibilites, while they are not endless, there is much more room for growth, more health care providers, more riders, more services, more partnerships. The development of the current web site is currently only in the first phase. Planned for the future is the ability for rider and health care providers to use the site for availability. The site will make the process simpler and easier for everyone involved with the organisation.
If you’re interested in following Bloodbikes Australia go to the Facebook page, The Facebook page, or if your involved in a hospital laboratory and can see a value in utilising the Bloodbikes Australia free volunteer services or indeed if you are a keen, experienced motorcyclist then drop a line to The Australian Co-ordinator